When You’re Broken but Willing to Surrender,
Your Life Will Be Restored
The First Step Toward Reclaiming Your Life
Therapy in Oklahoma City, OK
Is Sara’s infidelity story yours?
Sara writes in her journal…
I can’t sleep. I feel as though my world is caving in around me.
My heart is breaking; I thought we had a solid relationship; I thought that we would weather any storm!
Of course, no relationship is perfect, but for things to get this bad… Why did he cheat? We talked about everything!
Where did we go wrong? Was I so bad, so unlovable, unattractive that he had to go somewhere else to find love?
I feel so alone, embarrassed, and ashamed. I feel as though my heart has been ripped from my chest!

Each day becomes harder and harder. I try to make changes, and nothing seems to get better. I feel that I’m on an emotional roller coaster ride… should I go? Or should I stay? I can’t share this betrayal with anyone. What will they think of him? What will they think of me?
Everyone thinks we’re the perfect couple. No one knows about his “secret life…” My family would be destroyed if this got out.
Where do I go from here? Is there hope for our marriage?

The first step toward reclaiming your life
Sara decided to reach out for help.
It was not an easy decision because Sara was not certain her husband would participate in couples therapy. But… Sara and her husband are taking one day at a time. They’re learning the value of hurting with hope, while they work through the challenges in their marriage.
Do you feel betrayed and powerless?
Are you tired of wearing a smile in front of friends and family? (While behind closed doors you feel humiliated and rejected.)
Do you feel isolated and alone? Are you overcome with despair?
I help people dealing with infidelity and betrayal to experience increased emotional connection, regain trust and affection, as they repair and strengthen their relationship. It takes “digging down into their souls” to remove obstacles that create feeling of rejection and powerlessness.
There is no need to suffer in silence. I’m here to help you find real answers, renewed trust and lasting peace.

Stop… Take a breath…
I’m with you…
Let’s continue together.
Please call me at (405) 506-7447
or complete the contact form.